our story
In 1993, Faith Covenant Church asked Pastor Greg Ralston to leave his home in Chicago and come to Colorado Springs for one simple reason: to plant a church.
When Pastor Greg arrived, he noticed the different attitudes of people in Colorado Springs. Many expressed faith in Jesus, but had been hurt by the church in the past. After many conversations, a vision was planted in Pastor Greg’s heart. This new church would be:
Understanding of the pain people experienced at the hands of Christians
Accepting of people of all backgrounds
Welcoming of those who had not yet experienced faith, or had walked away
Willing to answer people’s questions and criticisms of Christianity
With this vision firmly in place, Living Hope Covenant Church was founded by a core group of people. In July 1994, a little church with a big vision was born.
The church met in various schools for several years. Each Sunday, a faithful group would unpack chairs, sound equipment, Sunday school materials, and coffee supplies from a small trailer barely bigger than the bed of a pick-up truck. This went on for over six years, until a space opened up in a strip mall. What a glorious day when we could finally leave chairs set up in our own space!
Not long after moving into this new space, things looked bleak. Finances were tight, attendance was down, and the congregation was beginning to get discouraged. We knew we had to depend completely on God to keep this little church afloat.
One day, while crying out to God, Pastor Greg felt prompted to make a phone call that would change the course of the church. He spoke with a friend who worked with Classic Homes, telling him that Living Hope needed land.
“Your timing couldn’t be better,” his friend said.
Miraculously, Classic Homes was in need of a way to give away a piece of land. By God’s grace, they chose Living Hope as the recipient of 7.5 acres of land on Union, just south of Woodmen. “I’m still in the vision and mission of Living Hope,” God reminded us.
With renewed assurance of God’s presence, the people of Living Hope banded together in prayer and sacrificial giving to build our current facility located on a small portion of the gifted land.
Because the land was a gift, we seek to use the building as well as possible. Currently, a group for mentally disabled adults meets in the building on weekdays, and another church uses the facility on Saturday mornings. We host a Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troop through the week.
In August of 2021, Pastor Greg retired from his 27+ years of ministry. The LHCC Leadership Team hired Tracy Hilts as our Interim Pastor while we put together a committee to search for a permanent pastor.
Today, we remain a solidly evangelical Christian church where we worship Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We communicate his love and lordship through drama, the reading of scripture, preaching, sharing of communion, and singing both contemporary and traditional worship songs.
The vision of Living Hope to be a “great place to start or start over.” Whether you are a Christian who has had positive experiences with the church or a believer whose experience with Christians has turned you away, you are welcome here. If you are a person who has not yet come to place your faith in Jesus Christ and are just now exploring the teachings of Jesus, you are also welcome to worship with us at Living Hope.
Living Hope started with a vision, and by God’s grace, that vision continues today.