health ministry
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
~Proverbs 16:24
Health Ministry is the intentional integration of a person’s faith and health. At Living Hope Covenant Church, we encourage our church family and surrounding community to use the services and ministry of our personal medical providers. We also point people to the wide variety of community resources to the Colorado Springs’ population.
We give our time as a Health Ministry team, to people who need help and encouragement, as a gift of worship to Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Great Physician.
Our certified Parish Nurse makes health related workshops and seminars available to our congregation. After service on every fourth Sunday of the month we provide a free blood pressure clinic.
Our dedicated volunteers share their gifts, abilities, and time to sew, knit, repair equipment, visit people in the hospital, offer personalized prayer, and compassionately care for those with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
We thank God for giving us the opportunity to serve others and use our nursing skill sets and education of health, wellness, prevention of disease & illnesses, whether it’s giving a sub-cutaneous injection of Vitamin B12, visiting someone in the hospital or rehab care, or has just come home from the hospital.
We thank God for those who pray for us and who pray for those we care for.
Medical Equipment Loan Closet
Are you or a loved one preparing for recovery after hospitalization and are in need of medical equipment? Please let us know of your need, because we might be able to help!
Commonly provided items include crutches, raised toilet seats, bathtub grab bars, walkers, and knee walkers.
We accept gifts of gently used medical equipment that are cleaned up and loaned to people who have similar needs. if you have a need to use a piece of equipment for a period of time, please contact us.
Stitches & Prayer
Are you facing an illness, a time of high stress, or grieving a loved one?
Maybe you want to celebrate someone special who is retiring, getting married, or is expecting (including adopting) a child.
Prayer shawls and lap robes are handmade to provide comfort and solace to those in need, as well as encouragement to those celebrating a joyful life change. The creator prays over each piece throughout the process of its creation.
Shawls and lap robes are given to those preparing for and recovering from a medical procedure, as a comfort after a loss or in times of great stress, when coping with an chronic illness like cancer, or are moving away from close friends and family. They are a wonderful gift for joyful celebrations such as retirement, a new child, a new job, and marriage.
Please let us know if you’d like to knit/crochet a shawl or sew a lap throw to be given as a gift.
Care Ministry
The Care Ministry Team offers opportunities for our members to serve each other with meals, cards, calls and visitation. We offer to send requests to the prayer chain, and coordinate with the health ministry and pastor. We can help with rides to appointments and food pantries. We try to meet people at their points of need, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. “Jesus said, by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another,” John13:35.