How is Creekside part of the plan for this church?
Welcome to Living Hope Covenant Church. Join us this morning as Pastor Tracy continues the series: The BIG Questions! with: How is Creekside part of the plan for this church?
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is jesus real?
Welcome to Living Hope Covenant Church. Join us this morning as Pastor Tracy continues the series: Got Questions? with: Is Jesus Real?
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Is it realistic to trust god?
Welcome to Living Hope Covenant Church. Join us this morning as Pastor Colin continues the series: Got Questions? with: Is it Realistic to Trust God?
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Subscribe to the YouTube channel, it's free as well as liking the sermons to boost our outreach
Got Questions?
Welcome to Living Hope Covenant Church. Join us this morning as Pastor Tracy launches a new year and a new series with "Got Questions" as series on basic answers to basic questions about life and faith.
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Subscribe to the YouTube channel, it's free as well as liking the sermons to boost our outreach